Intro (Hello!!)

Important Letters to Copy Lol: ÄäŘřΘθÐð

About Me!

Hi!!! I'm Enzo. I go by he/him and I'm 16 years old rn lol. I used to be a little shit especially in school but now I love school and think people are neat and interesting creatures. I wanna be a plastic surgeon when I grow up to specialize in scarring related surgeries so it isn't the hurtful type of stuff and I don't have to worry about accidentally killing my patients as much lol. Idk if this intro matters because I'm gonna make 90% of this incomprehensible to anyone who doesn't understand the languages (which is literally everyone but me, and even then I'm only somewhat familiar with them lol..they have 1 real speaker and 0 fluent speakers rn) 😵 but I hope this is at least interesting to look at?? Also I think I'll sometimes give some individual translations maybe so that people can gradually understand it!! Sorry if you come at an awkward time and I haven't updated shit lol..

I'm leaving the default script for now so I don't have to stress about remembering it or not lol.. Sorry if it's jarring or weird or anything!!

Conlangs Used: Mekenkä (mostly) , maybe some Yu'ki'no , maybe Tarqx. I have a very new WIP conlang that I don't really care for because apparently tonal languages hurt on untrained vocal chords 😅 so I'm not gonna use that one much lol.

I'm gonna make an explanation for my conlangs now.

The Conlang Explanations


Mekenkä is a pitch language, it has a higher tone I represented with bold text, a normal tone represented with normal text, and less commonly but still commonly a lower tone I represented with italic text. It's OSV most of the time which means Object then Subject then Verb. Unfortunately kinda like Yoda speech.. (To give an example, "He is feeling happy." would be rearranged to "Happy he feeling is.") It has a lot of words that would be pronounced the same without quirks like pitch. Also, I almost forgot to say - It has longer sounds too. Like "E" is just "Eh", but "Ee" is "Ehh", if that makes sense. If you can't tell it's kinda Japanese-inspired lol, I've been learning it for a few months now (I still only know like 3 greetings and 3 goodbyes..) and I liked those traits, though I didn't include the little word pauses. Also I thought the "I makes E sounds longer" and "U makes O sounds longer" thing was annoying so it actually makes sense in Mekenkä lol (it doesn't show on the site but goodness it's such a long word to type here in order to keep the bolded text..) Also it only has syllables for..I think they're called non-fricatives? The sounds you can only make for a second, like T or B. You can't hold it without changing the sound. Every other sound is individual letters. I also have some weird words that begin with a fricative and then non-fricative, like "Nbuäyo" which means "Head". It's both more and less annoying to pronounce as you'd think, somehow..

Also, there's a few symbols that are the reason I made a line for letters to copy above. So I'll explain them and then X. Ää is the Ah sound, like "Cop", Řř is an odd R-like sound that I kinda did on accident and thought was kinda funny, it's making the R sound but with your tongue near the middle of the roof of your mouth but not touching. Very similar to the regular R sound. The one represented by R is just the Japanese R (kinda like an L but further back). Θθ is Th, like in "Think", and Ðð is Th like "That". X represents the Sh sound. In all of my conlangs, C represents Ch. In this conlang, H is a bit harsher, but otherwise the same. Also, I'm debating whether F is regular or like the Japanese F sound.


Yu'ki'no is my very very first conlang! It has the most sounds and the sounds are all individual letters. I use ' to show it's a different version of a sound represented by the same letter. Like, U is the Uh sound, but U' is the Uu sound. And I is the Ih (like igloo) sound, but I' is the Ii (like each) sound! Only non-standard one afaik is Q, which represents "Oi/Oy", and some words have "OQ" which would be pronounced Oi, but technically would be spell Ooi? Also, Yu'ki'no has pauses represented by `. But no longer sounds. It is SOV, meaning the "He is feeling happy." example from earlier would be "He happy feeling is." this time. It has a special place in my heart lol.


Even in-universe (all of these are made for a story), this is a conlang (by current lore at least). It was created in order to make secret plots and then it became the language of a small community that formed and grew. It has a quirk where no two consonants and no two vowels in a word can touch, though you can have it start or end with either and the letters are individually written. The only ones that aren't really intuitive are X and Q, X representing a really harsh K sound that is almost like a hiss. It has no normal K, but I thought X represented the sound better. And Q is Oo, because U is Uh and A is Ah and O is Oh so it needed another unused symbol for it. It's SVO, which is the word order of English, so "He is feeling happy" is, iirc, either "He feeling happy" or probably "He feeling happy is" or something like that. Second-least developed, leat developed out of these three, so prob won't use this one very much.


man im doing this later i just typed all that i wanna do other projects before i have to get off the computer..i literally NEVER coded before though so this is so cool!!!!!!!

Lol sorry I was off so long!! School got me stressed fr.. But I'm here!

M2/D5/Y25 Mekenkä ko kono kefän ekoci mee yan poi! bebe se wonteneyu wen tei

, rin se wonteneyu yen tuubuu wen tei pobi :D Iteyo kos tuyosn näi! U, ukä iken do äkä muko poi! Tuubuupo mee :D!

Stuff I didn't wanna delete yet just in case I need it

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